Baby Boy, 2019, wood, crayon, acrylic,paper, styrofoam, denim, and glitter, 4.5ft x 4ft
Pictured on display at the Dudley Cafe in Roxbury,MA
Baby Boy, 2019, wood, crayon, acrylic,paper, styrofoam, denim, and glitter, 4.5ft x 4ft
Baby Boy, 2019, wood, crayon, acrylic,paper, styrofoam, denim, and glitter, 4.5ft x 4ft
Baby Boy, 2019, wood, crayon, acrylic,paper, styrofoam, denim, and glitter, 4.5ft x 4ft
Baby Boy, 2019, wood, crayon, acrylic,paper, styrofoam, denim, and glitter, 4.5ft x 4ft
Pictured on display at the Dudley Cafe in Roxbury,MA
Baby Boy, 2019, wood, crayon, acrylic,paper, styrofoam, denim, and glitter, 4.5ft x 4ft
Baby Boy, 2019, wood, crayon, acrylic,paper, styrofoam, denim, and glitter, 4.5ft x 4ft
Baby Boy, 2019, wood, crayon, acrylic,paper, styrofoam, denim, and glitter, 4.5ft x 4ft