Back in the studio, construction wages on. Corey and I got into the groove of measuring, cutting, and screwing the cubed tiers that make up the understructure of EMERGENCE. This was one of those moments where I was thankful for the abundance of windows in my studio. There was sawdust everywhere! The horizontal braces on the cubes were added so that the symbols of hope I made with community members have a place to be screwed on, once they are made with alumalite. We made a point to add some diagonal braces to the bottom tier to keep away the wobble and add to the sturdiness.

Before we knew it we had quite a structure!
You may have noticed that we didn't screw on all of the wood for the bottom tier. That's because if I built EMERGENCE in it's entirety in the studio, it wouldn't fit through the door. It's just too wide. Not to mention the added fact that I'm currently on the fourth floor and have no desire to risk damaging the artwork going down all those stairs. So, the plan is to build it full out come install day outside.
In the meantime, the tiers will hang out in the studio unstacked for phase two: Painting!